easy nats courses york university

6 Easiest NATS Courses To Take at York University

Most undergraduate programs at York University require students to fulfill the general education course requirements.

Depending on the program it can be up to 24 credits, with a mix of courses coming from natural science (NATS) courses, social science (SOSC) courses, and humanities (HUMA) courses.

All of the NATS courses are either 3.0 credits or 6.0 credits.

Some courses can be taught in either fall (F) or winter (W) semesters, whereas others are full year (Y) courses.

York University offers more than 30 first year natural science (NATS) courses and students may find it difficult to decide which course to take.

For most students the general education courses are a way to boost their GPA, so they are looking for a course where you can get an easy A with relatively low workload and easy content of the course.

To save time exploring the students’ options, we are providing you a list of the easiest NATS courses to take at York University:

  1. SC/NATS 1540 3.0 – Theories of Dinosaur Extinction
  2. SC/NATS 1610 6.0 – The Living Body
  3. SC/NATS 1740 6.0 – Astronomy
  4. SC/NATS 1775 6.0 – Technology and Civilization
  5. SC/NATS 1780 6.0 – Weather and Climate
  6. SC/NATS 1870 6.0 – Understanding Colour

1. SC/NATS 1540 3.0 – Theories of Dinosaur Extinction

The courses focuses on introduction of theories related to the creation of the solar system, life on Earth, how the first dinosaurs appeared, and dinosaur extinction as well as going over evidences and objections related to them.

It is broken into 3 parts:

  1. Theories of creation of the solar system
  2. Learning more about dinosaurs, different kinds of dinosaurs, and their characteristics
  3. Discussion of the dinosaur extinction. specifically the mass extinction event
easy nats 1540 dinosaur extinction

2. SC/NATS 1610 6.0 – The Living Body

The courses focuses on different parts of human biology including physiology, genetics, reproduction, and more. It examines what is required to maintain life of the human body from the molecular, cellular, and physiological perspectives, including the study of cells, tissues, and organ system.

It focuses on 4 key areas:

  1. The functions and structure of the human body
  2. The functions of cells in the human body
  3. The physiology of the human body
  4. The system of organs of the body
easy nats 1610 the living body

3. SC/NATS 1740 6.0 – Astronomy

This course focuses on a variety of topics related to the universe: galaxies, stars, planets, and more. More specifically, the course provides information and discussions about the sky, the Sun, other planets and stars, other objects in the solar system, as well as other galaxies, matter, and energy.

The course doesn’t require any background of science and uses a limited amount of mathematics.

easy nats 1740 astronomy

4. SC/NATS 1775 6.0 – Technology and Civilization

This course focuses on the study of the most important technological advances in history (for example the use of: wind, water, steam, nuclear energy, aviation, railroads, communications, and more). Topics in the course are focused on examining the history and development of such technologies, and how social, political, and economic factors can affect the development of new technologies.

The course focuses on 5 key areas:

  1. Technology and culture, race, gender
  2. Technology and religion
  3. Technology and science
  4. Technology management
  5. Technological profess and user feedback
easy nats 1775 technology and civilization

5. SC/NATS 1780 6.0 – Weather and Climate

This courses focuses on exploring the Earth’s atmosphere and introductory overview of meteorology and weather forecasting.

The course doesn’t require any background of science and uses a limited amount of mathematics, and allows students to learn the science and processes behind weather and climate.

The course focuses on 5 key areas:

  1. Properties of the Earth’s atmosphere
  2. Radiation and the Sun
  3. History and evolution of atmosphere
  4. Climate
  5. Meteorology
easy nats 1780 weather and climate

6. SC/NATS 1870 6.0 – Understanding Colour

This courses focuses on exploring multiple approaches to examine and understand colour. The course explores the perspectives of art, physics, chemistry, physiology, and history. Course content includes: perception of colour, spectroscopy, colour harmony, colour contrast, and more.

The course doesn’t require any background of science and uses a limited amount of mathematics.

easy nats 1870 understanding colour

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